Production Scheduling
Our approach to production scheduling builds on the OptPro software platform we developed during our tenure at OptTek Systems. OptPro, a state-of-the-art software engine for production scheduling, combines simulation and optimization and can be customized as a digital model of your manufacturing process to deliver truly optimal schedules.
A Modular Design
Production scheduling and operations are intricately connected, with the best schedule requiring the best process to produce the best results. Most production systems can be improved by tuning the process to the schedule. OptPro is the only system that combines these functions into a modular, integrated system to optimize the production facility from production plan to finished goods.
Core Optimization
Highly complex production environments can sometimes be tractable enough to be solved with OptPro Core Optimization alone. OptPro uses powerful and flexible algorithms to deliver an optimum schedule for these cases.
Digital Twin
For systems that exhibit a large degree of complexity, OptPro uses a digital twin model of the process which, combined with our proven optimization and AI-based technology, optimizes the complete production environment.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
In some cases, the cause of the problem is related to process inefficiencies. The schedule may be optimal, but the process must be tuned to produce the best results. OptPro utilizes AI to determine values for operational parameters - e.g., rates of flow, line speeds, buffers, and others - to optimize process performance.
In addition, OptPro can use available information to:
Automatically generate BOM purchase orders
Automatically adjust constraints to manage WIP inventory
Create better sequences of products to prevent quality defects
Prioritize job assignments to better match demand and capacity